خواطرٌ وهمساتٌ واقعية كُتبتْ كل منها تحت تأثير الظرف والمكان والزمان على أوراق متبعثرة ثم جُمعت لئلا تضيع..وأمنيتي أن تبقَ في قلوب المحبين للذكرى. لأنَّ هذه الأوراق المختلفة الألوان ما هي إلاَّ صُورٌ وأحاسيس ومشاعر من مراحل حياتي، عبر السنين والمناسبات. إلى كل مَنْ عاش ويعيش لذّة الحياة ومرارتها أُقدم هذا الكتاب. جان عبيد
إلى ابنتي الوحيدة دجين إلى أحفادي ، والى أبناء جميع الناس من بنات وبنين، إلى كل شابة وشاب، أزهار ربيع الحياة وبراعم الورود المتفتحة، أهدي هذه الرسالة بكل محبة وإخلاص جان عبيد
To the young men and women of today to the emerging buds of generations, who are flourishing and expecting a better life, I dedicate this book, which carries an entirely substance age of experience, with love and appreciation.
To the future generations’ descent, I dedicate my memoire in a form of poem and a word for every occasion, which tells the story of my activities for 60 years with the Lebanese community in Leamington and Windsor, Ontario, particular in the construction of the Lebanese Club and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lebanon!
“كتابُكُمُ الجديدُ "همساتُ حبٍّ " ما هو إلاٍّ حصيلةُ اختبارٍ ومعاناةٍ تَضَعُونَها أمامَ أجيالِنا الصاعدةِ، لتكونَ هُدْياً لعَالِمِنا الذي فَقَدَ معنى الحُبِّ وَشَوَّهَه.ُ عظمةُ هذا الحُبِّ أنه نَبْعٌ لا يَنْضب، غارقٌ في الزمنِ، معانقٌ للخلود، اسمُه شفافيةٌ، وعنوانُه قدسيةٌ. عسى شبابُنا الطالعُ ينهلُ من هذا النبعِ ويُعِيدُ هذا الحُبَّ إلى بـهائِه الأول”. المونسنيور جوزيف ســلامة
To my grandchildren and to their children to the future generations of this family; I have the pleasure to leave this family tree information for the new generations to come.
Wounded Soul explores life in its fullest sense: all the highs and all the terrible lows, as a poet can perceive it.
This message which I put in the hands of the reader, and particularly the young generations of women and men, is only a father's observations from his heart, a heart full with love and cupidity for my only daughter.
John Obeid was born in Tourza, North Lebanon in the neighborhood of Becharre, the hometown of the poet/philosopher/artist Gibran Khalil Gibran, in 1934.
He was educated at St. Joseph College, Antoura, Lebanon, and in 1956 immigrated to Canada, where he worked and conducted several businesses. John Obeid published a monthly magazine “Al Moughtareb” The Immigrant. He was also listed with Canada Immigration as a translator/interpreter.
John Obeid is former president of North Lebanon Society of Detroit, Michigan; former president of Lebanese Canadian Club of Windsor, Ontario; and has served as executive secretary of Lebanese World Cultural Union of Essex Chapter.
He was the first one who planted in the heads of the Lebanese Community the idea of building the Leamington Lebanese Club, also the Shrine of our Lady of Lebanon.
He was elected on several occasion as a chairman for fund raising committees for Leamington Lebanese Club and has been chairman for fund raising committee for the Shrine of our Lady of Lebanon in Leamington, Ontario.
In his life time he was giving without limit He has delivered more than 300 speeches and poems in different social, religious and patriotic occasions in his community.
In 1984 he wrote his first book “Wounded Soul” and in 1985 “Message to my Daughter”.